Welcome to Prescribe Inc.

At Prescribe Inc., we believe in second chances. Our mission is simple: to empower individuals returning from jail or prison to reintegrate successfully into society. Here’s how we’re making a difference:

Breaking the Cycle of Recidivism

Many individuals leaving incarceration face insurmountable barriers: stigmatization, lack of employment opportunities, and homelessness. Without support, they often find themselves back in the system. Prescribe Inc. is committed to breaking this cycle by providing a supportive pathway to rehabilitation and reintegration.

Your Support Makes a Difference

Prescribe Inc. relies on the support of compassionate individuals like you. Your contribution allows us to expand our outreach programs, providing essential resources and support to those in need. Together, we can offer hope and opportunity to those seeking a fresh start.

Inspired by Personal Experience

Our founder’s story is the driving force behind Prescribe Inc. Growing up without paternal guidance, he understands firsthand the challenges faced by disadvantaged individuals. His journey from adversity to empowerment fuels our commitment to creating a brighter future for all.

Overview of the Issue of Recidivism

Overview of the Issue of Recidivism

Recidivism, the tendency for individuals to reoffend and return to the criminal justice system, is a pressing issue with far-reaching consequences. It not only affects the individuals involved but also has a significant impact on families, communities, and society as a whole. At Prescribe Inc., we recognize the urgent need to address the underlying factors contributing to recidivism and offer effective solutions to break this harmful cycle.


At Prescribe Inc., we offer a comprehensive array of programs designed to empower and support individuals on their journey to success. From mentorship to education, personal development, and beyond, we are dedicated to providing holistic support to help individuals thrive. Our programs include:

At Prescribe Inc., our Mentorship Program plays a crucial role in providing guidance, support, and encouragement to individuals transitioning from incarceration. Through one-on-one mentorship relationships, we aim to empower participants to overcome challenges, set goals, and achieve success in their personal and professional lives.

Key Components of Our Mentorship Program:

Matching: Participants are carefully matched with experienced mentors who share similar backgrounds, interests, or career paths. This ensures compatibility and facilitates meaningful connections between mentors and mentees.

Supportive Relationships: Mentors serve as trusted advisors and role models, offering emotional support, practical guidance, and constructive feedback to their mentees. They provide a listening ear, share personal experiences, and help mentees navigate the complexities of reintegration.

Goal Setting: Mentors work with mentees to identify their strengths, interests, and aspirations, and help them develop realistic and achievable goals. They provide encouragement and accountability to keep mentees motivated and focused on their objectives.

Skills Development: Mentors assist mentees in identifying areas for skills development and provide resources and opportunities for growth. This may include resume building, job search strategies, networking, and participation in educational or training programs.

Empowerment: Through their mentorship relationships, participants gain confidence, self-awareness, and a sense of empowerment. Mentors help mentees recognize their potential, overcome barriers, and take proactive steps towards achieving their dreams.

Continuous Support: Mentorship is an ongoing process, and mentors remain committed to supporting their mentees throughout their journey of reintegration. They offer encouragement, celebrate successes, and provide guidance during challenging times.

Our Mentorship Program is built on the belief that everyone deserves a second chance and the opportunity to thrive. By fostering supportive relationships and providing personalized guidance, we empower individuals to unlock their full potential and create brighter futures for themselves and their communities.

At Prescribe Inc., we are committed to providing education and capacity-building opportunities to empower individuals on their journey towards success. Our programs in education and capacity building include:

G.E.D Preparation: We offer G.E.D preparation classes and support to individuals who did not complete high school. By earning their G.E.D, participants gain access to higher education and better job opportunities.

Vocational Training: Our vocational training programs equip individuals with practical skills and certifications in various trades, such as carpentry, plumbing, electrical work, and culinary arts. These programs prepare participants for employment in high-demand industries.

Life Skills Workshops: We conduct workshops on essential life skills, including financial literacy, communication skills, time management, and conflict resolution. These workshops empower individuals to navigate daily challenges and make informed decisions.

Entrepreneurship Training: We provide training and support for individuals interested in starting their own businesses. Participants learn about business planning, marketing, budgeting, and other aspects of entrepreneurship, helping them launch and grow successful ventures.

Leadership Development: Our leadership development programs focus on cultivating leadership skills and empowering individuals to become agents of change in their communities. Participants learn about effective communication, team building, decision making, and advocacy.

Through our education and capacity-building programs, we aim to equip individuals with the knowledge, skills, and confidence they need to achieve their goals and contribute positively to society. By investing in education and empowerment, we can break the cycle of recidivism and build a brighter future for all.

At Prescribe Inc., we are not only committed to providing direct support and resources to individuals, but also to advocating for systemic change and engaging with our community. Our advocacy and community outreach efforts include:

Raising Awareness: We work to raise awareness about the challenges faced by individuals transitioning from incarceration and the importance of providing support and opportunities for successful reintegration.

Policy Advocacy: We advocate for policies and legislation that promote rehabilitation, reintegration, and alternatives to incarceration. We collaborate with policymakers, stakeholders, and community leaders to champion meaningful reforms.

Community Engagement: We actively engage with our community to foster understanding, empathy, and support for individuals impacted by incarceration. Through outreach events, workshops, and presentations, we seek to build bridges and create a more inclusive and supportive community.

Collaboration: We collaborate with local organizations, agencies, and stakeholders to maximize our impact and ensure coordinated efforts towards our shared goals. By working together, we can leverage our collective resources and expertise to create positive change.

Empowerment: Through our advocacy and community outreach efforts, we empower individuals to become agents of change in their own lives and communities. We provide opportunities for individuals to share their stories, voice their concerns, and advocate for the support and resources they need.

At Prescribe Inc., we believe that advocacy and community outreach are essential components of our work to break the cycle of recidivism and create a more just and compassionate society. By working together with our community, we can create positive change and build a brighter future for all.

At Prescribe Inc., we understand the importance of personal development and life skills in empowering individuals to succeed in their journey of rehabilitation and reintegration. Our programs in personal development and life skills aim to equip participants with the knowledge, tools, and confidence they need to navigate life’s challenges and make positive choices.

Key Components of Our Personal Development and Life Skills Programs:

Anger Management: We offer workshops and counseling sessions to help individuals understand and manage their emotions effectively. Participants learn healthy coping mechanisms, conflict resolution strategies, and techniques for managing anger in constructive ways.

Small Business Identification and Training: For individuals interested in entrepreneurship, we provide training and support in small business identification and development. Participants learn about business planning, market research, budgeting, and other essential skills needed to start and run a successful business.

Financial Literacy: Our financial literacy workshops cover topics such as budgeting, saving, debt management, and financial planning. Participants learn practical skills to manage their finances responsibly and make informed financial decisions for themselves and their families.

Communication Skills: Effective communication is essential for building healthy relationships and navigating social interactions. Our workshops focus on developing communication skills, including active listening, assertiveness, and conflict resolution, to enhance interpersonal relationships and communication effectiveness.

Time Management: Time management skills are critical for success in both personal and professional life. We provide training and resources to help participants improve their time management skills, prioritize tasks, set goals, and maximize productivity.

Stress Management: Stress is a common challenge faced by individuals transitioning from incarceration. Our stress management workshops teach participants techniques for coping with stress, relaxation exercises, and mindfulness practices to promote overall well-being.

Through our personal development and life skills programs, we empower individuals to build resilience, develop positive habits, and take control of their lives. By investing in personal growth and skill development, we help participants overcome obstacles, achieve their goals, and create brighter futures for themselves and their communities.

At Prescribe Inc., our Job Readiness program is designed to equip individuals with the skills, resources, and confidence they need to successfully enter or re-enter the workforce. We understand that stable employment is essential for successful reintegration into society, and our program is tailored to meet the unique needs of participants at every stage of their journey.

Key Components of Our Job Readiness Program:

Resume Building: We provide assistance with resume writing, helping participants create professional resumes that highlight their skills, experiences, and qualifications. Our goal is to help participants present themselves effectively to potential employers and stand out in the job market.

Interview Preparation: We offer workshops and one-on-one coaching to help participants prepare for job interviews. This includes practicing common interview questions, learning effective interview techniques, and gaining confidence in presenting themselves to employers.

Job Search Strategies: We provide guidance and support to help participants navigate the job search process. This includes identifying job opportunities, accessing online job boards and resources, and networking effectively to uncover hidden job opportunities.

Soft Skills Development: In addition to technical skills, we emphasize the importance of soft skills such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and professionalism. Participants learn how to demonstrate these skills in the workplace and become valuable assets to potential employers.

Networking Opportunities: We facilitate networking opportunities for participants to connect with employers, industry professionals, and community members. This includes job fairs, networking events, and informational interviews to expand participants’ professional networks and access job opportunities.

Ongoing Support: Our job readiness program offers ongoing support to participants throughout their job search and employment journey. We provide encouragement, guidance, and resources to help participants overcome obstacles and achieve their employment goals.

Through our Job Readiness program, we empower individuals to overcome barriers to employment, secure meaningful work, and build sustainable careers. By investing in job readiness skills and supporting participants in their employment journey, we help break the cycle of recidivism and create pathways to success for individuals transitioning from incarceration.

At Prescribe Inc., our Counseling and Support program is dedicated to providing individuals with a safe and supportive space to address their mental health needs, navigate personal challenges, and build resilience on their journey to rehabilitation and reintegration. We understand that emotional well-being is essential for holistic success, and our program offers a range of services tailored to meet the diverse needs of our participants.

Key Components of Our Counseling and Support Program:

Individual Counseling: We offer confidential one-on-one counseling sessions with licensed counselors who specialize in working with individuals impacted by incarceration. Participants have the opportunity to explore their thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a supportive and nonjudgmental environment.

Group Counseling: In addition to individual counseling, we offer group counseling sessions where participants can connect with others facing similar challenges, share experiences, and learn from one another. Group counseling provides a sense of community and support, fostering healing and growth.

Trauma-Informed Care: Our counseling services are grounded in trauma-informed care principles, recognizing the impact of trauma on individuals’ lives and providing sensitive and compassionate support to promote healing and recovery.

Crisis Intervention: We offer crisis intervention services for individuals in immediate need of support or assistance. Our team is available to provide crisis counseling, de-escalation techniques, and referrals to appropriate resources as needed.

Peer Support: We facilitate peer support groups where participants can connect with others who have experienced similar challenges and offer mutual support and encouragement. Peer support groups provide a sense of belonging and solidarity, reducing feelings of isolation and stigma.

Resource Referrals: Our counselors provide information and referrals to additional support services and resources in the community, including mental health agencies, substance abuse treatment programs, housing assistance, and more.

Through our Counseling and Support program, we aim to empower individuals to overcome obstacles, build resilience, and cultivate emotional well-being. By addressing mental health needs and providing compassionate support, we help participants navigate the complexities of reintegration and create pathways to a brighter future.

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But don’t just take our word for it—hear from those who have benefited from our programs firsthand. Explore testimonials and success stories from program participants who have overcome adversity, achieved their goals, and transform their lives with the support of Prescribe Inc. These inspiring stories serve as a testament to the power of second chances and the impact of our programs on individuals, families, and communities.

At Prescribe Inc., we are committed to empowering individuals to break the cycle of recidivism, rebuild their lives, and create a brighter future for themselves and their communities. Join us in making a difference today.


At Prescribe Inc., we believe that everyone has the power to make a difference. Whether you’re an individual, a business, or an organization, there are many ways you can support our mission to empower individuals transitioning from incarceration. Here’s how you can get involved:

Volunteer Opportunities

Join our team of dedicated volunteers and make a meaningful impact in the lives of those we serve. Volunteer opportunities include mentoring, tutoring, facilitating workshops, providing administrative support, and more. No matter your skills or experience, there’s a role for you at Prescribe Inc.

Donation Options

Your financial support is crucial in helping us provide essential resources and programs to those in need. Consider making a one-time or recurring donation to support our work. Your contribution will help us expand our outreach efforts, improve our programs, and reach more individuals in need of support.

Fundraising Events

Get involved in our fundraising events and help us raise awareness and funds for our cause. From charity walks and runs to gala dinners and online campaigns, there are many ways to get involved and make a difference. Join us in spreading the word and rallying support for Prescribe Inc.

Partnerships with Businesses/Organizations

Businesses and organizations play a vital role in supporting our mission and expanding our impact. Partner with Prescribe Inc. to create mutually beneficial opportunities for collaboration, sponsorship, and support. Whether through employee engagement initiatives, corporate sponsorships, or cause-related marketing campaigns, there are many ways your business or organization can make a positive difference in the lives of those we serve.

Together, we can make a difference in the lives of individuals transitioning from incarceration and create a brighter future for our communities. Join us in our mission to empower second chances and break the cycle of recidivism. Get involved with Prescribe Inc. today.


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